A long overdue Top 10 Games (2023 – but revisited mid 2024)

So much happened at the end of 2023 (moving house, car crashes, new pregnancy announcement, new job etc. etc.). So it’s only now I have a chance to properly post what should have been the finale to my earlier post about my top ten games. Which does allow me to reflect on any changes duringContinue reading “A long overdue Top 10 Games (2023 – but revisited mid 2024)”

This Game Rolls and Soars…Sky High!

The following is my review of Sky Team by Luc Rémond and published by Le Scorpion Masqué. When I was at PAX teaching Apiary (check out my review here), I was able to collect one game as a benefit. So I chose, as may be apparent, to collect Sky Team, which had only just beenContinue reading “This Game Rolls and Soars…Sky High!”

My Top 100 Games: 10-1

2022 Edition For my top ten games, I’m going to run with something a little different. I’m going to write a bit of a story to summarise and explain why they are my top ten games. Hopefully you all enjoy. 10. Marvel Dice Throne (new) The only game from 2022 on my list, when IContinue reading “My Top 100 Games: 10-1”

Dice or Cards?

Why not both? When it comes to introducing ‘controlled randomness’ into games, many designers opt between dice or cards. In some circumstances, there is the use of both – but typically designers use one or the other to introduce randomness. And there are of course advantages and disadvantages to each option, which is something IContinue reading “Dice or Cards?”

Board Gaming Tastes

Does board gaming taste matter – and how does it reflect on me?* The short answer is, no. And the longer answer is, also no, in a sense. Board gaming taste does not matter, in the way that tastes of any kind do not matter per se. They only matter in as much as youContinue reading “Board Gaming Tastes”

Cooperative Games: What do they teach Us?

What are cooperative games? Cooperative (or co-op) games are games designed to make the players cooperate among themselves. A game can be fully cooperative (players versus the board game), semi-cooperative (most players work together), or team-based cooperative (teams against one another). However, most board gamers tend to consider team-based games as more competitive, despite theContinue reading “Cooperative Games: What do they teach Us?”

My Top 100 Boardgames: 10-1

This is the final post in my series of top 100 board games. You can see them all at the following links: 100-8079-6059-4039-3029-2120-11 And now this post covers the top ten games themselves. As with all previous lists, I will have a little spiel about the educational value of the game as I see it,Continue reading “My Top 100 Boardgames: 10-1”

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